Kombucha: The Miracle Fungus by Harald Tietze
In 1996 Harald Tietze published his book, Kombucha: The Miracle Fungus, (available on ebay) and it mentions Gypsy Rose’s products… here’s an extract of the book.
A hairdresser from Queensland had so many good reports from clients using Kombucha that they developed a special Kombucha Shampoo. “Normally, hair conditioner is applied after shampooing, but when using Kombucha shampoo, the hair is silky and soft without conditioner,” said Karen from the Herbacraft Gypsy Rose Hairdressers (with 18 national and international hairdressing awards to their credit). She wrote me a letter with comments from some of her clients.
Their hair is growing back where previously they were bald, even though some are not drinking the tea and only using the shampoo. Client CA from N. Her hair regained its natural colour. She is using the shampoo and drinking the tea, although the colour change began before she actually started drinking the tea. Initially she was using only the shampoo which means the Kombucha mushroom works by applying it externally to solve an internal problem. The results of psoriasis, an itchy, dry, flaky scalp incredibly is all gone, as well as the sores and dandruff. These are only a few comments extracted from Karen’s letter. The other ingredients which are mixed together in the shampoo with Kombucha are a business secret.
Click here to learn more about our Rosemary: 2 in 1 Shampoo or Lavender: 2 in 1 Shampoo both with Kombucha